Blown away

I had to recollect my memories of the past when I wrote about the renowned Pablo Escobar, the drug mafia who made the USA what it is now. He made the word cocaine and weed so popular in US that almost everyone use it in day-to-day lifestyle. In the movie Blow which featured him and his team of gangsters, the main character is of course not him. The hero of the movie is obviously the one who made the entire gang world renowned and particularly in the United States.

He is none other than George Jung, the man who is also known as Boston George, who after committing crimes in succession is currently suffering his life sentence in prison. He will not be released until 2015 for charges of smuggling various varieties of drugs from Mexico, Colombia to USA, and within USA, from the West Coast to his Boston place of living.

After watching the movie, I was so moved by the character's performance by the star actor "Johnny Depp" whom I just love watching his moves in the screen. He rightly had been the lord of drugs who got it into the US mainstream drug market and satisfied numerous people who still feel he is the god.