This is the first gay gun used in CS, and most of them kick you from the server if you happen to use it on them, and more importantly on the server admin. Even I hate this gun, if some noob fuck starts using it in the map which I play. Its worse than hacking into the server and making a whole lot of mess. This gun is costly first of all, and second it has both advantages of a slower Rifle and Sniping capacity.
This is yet another gay gun more like the counter part called as the G3, particularly used by the terrorists, this gun is also found so rarely in Counter Strike, especially in pro servers and game fanatics. Don't think that this gun is all great for its cheaper and has a combined effect of a sniper and a rifle. This gun sucks big time, and in the time you zoom and unzoom and locate your target, you would find yourself dead and spectating other players. Dump the idea of going for this gun and try AWP instead.